Painful Bump On Cartilage Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment

The inside of the nose has a lining of mucus membrane, a thin tissue which secretes mucus to ensure that your nose as well as the breathing passage gets well lubricated. The mucus membrane has several tiny blood vessels and fine hair like structures known as cilia. These allow the air to enter, and they block harmful substances which may be trying to invade your body.

The bump is painful and tender. You could also have a runny nose, post nasal drip, headache, nose block, reduced sense of smell, diminished sense of taste, snoring and itching around the nose and eyes along with the bump.

What Causes Painful Bumps Inside Nose?

Likely causes of a painful bump inside the nose include:

  • Nasal polyp: A nasal polyp forms when the mucus membrane inside the nose gets inflamed. If there is an inflammation for 12 weeks or more, the lining forms a bump.
  • Acne: A painful bump inside the nose may be acne. It is quite common during adolescence or when your hormones fluctuate.
  • Excessive nose picking: When you pick your nose, you damage the hair follicles and introduce bacteria. Consequently there will be infection and inflammation.
  • Folliculitis: Bacterial infection causes irritation, inflammation, and redness and sets off a bump which is painful. The commonest cause of folliculitis is Staphylococcus bacteria. Frequently picking or blowing your nose aggravates the condition.
  • Nasal furuncles: Are deeper infections and are considered rather serious given that they can cause cellulitis, which is a skin infection that spreads to the blood. Occasionally, cellulitis can result in death, if it is caused by the methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Cavernous sinus thrombosis: Is a rare, dangerous condition which is characterized by an infected furuncle in the nose which can lead to the formation of a blood clot in a vein situated at the base of the skull.

How To Treat A Painful Bump Inside Nose?

It is vital that you discuss with your health care provider or ENT specialist, so that your nose is examined and the correct diagnosis is formed. If required certain investigations need to be carried out as well.

  • Small nasal polyps, by and large do not need any treatment, but larger polyps need medical attention. The only way to treat a nasal polyp completely is to surgically excise the bump from the nose. The procedure to get rid of a nasal polyp is called functional endoscopic sinus surgery. A common complication of nasal polyps is recurrent sinus infections. Another complication is obstructive sleep apnea, which is characterized by the cessation of breathing during sleep.
  • Your doctor will prescribe topical antibiotics along with oral antibiotics to manage the infection better. At times, the acne may form an abscess, and then surgery may be necessary to drain the pus.
  • You could also take vitamin C supplements to speed up the process of healing. It deals well with the inflammation as well as the infection.
  • In case it is acne or pimples, it will clear up over time.
  • Over the counter non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs help allay pain inside the nose and reduce the inflammation considerably.
  • You will also benefit from applying a moist and warm compress to your nose for 15 to 20 minutes three times daily. This will help decrease the pain associated with a lump in your nose.