Causes and Treatment for Recurrent Viral Skin Infections in Children

There are so many skin infections that a child can possibly contract from his or her days playing outside, in school, or even at home. Bacteria are lurking everywhere and for children who love to explore, the chances of a skin infection becomes high.

  • This refers to an infection caused by a viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic origin that affects the skin of the child.
  • The skin affected usually depends on the area of contact and can be localized or may spread to different parts of the body.
  • Skin infections can be treated rather successfully through over-the-counter medications, proper hygiene, and strengthening of a child’s immune system.
  • Skin infections do have the possibility of recurring in some cases.

Viral Skin Infections in Children

These are skin infections that a child can contract from skin-to-skin contact, droplet contact, or sharing of an object with another infected child or individual.

  • Chickenpox – also known as varicella zoster caused by the varicella zoster virus.
  • Measles – also known as Rubeolla, caused by the paramyxovirus.
  • Rubella – caused by the rubella virus.
  • Fifth disease – a viral infection that can be transmitted through contact transmission.
  • Roseola infantum – caused by a virus in the herpes family.

Staph Skin Infections in Children

  • This refers to skin infections caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
  • S. aureus commonly resides in the nose and on the skin.
  • These are less commonly found in the mouth, upper respiratory tract, mammary glands, urinary glands or intestinal glands.
  • This type of skin infections is usually localized.
  • Those at risk for staph infections include staph carriers such as health care workers, newborn infants, breastfeeding women, obese individuals, living in crowded environments, hot climates, skin injuries or surgical wounds, piercings or fresh tattoos, skin diseases, weak immune system, or receiving oral steroids or chemotherapy.
  • Staph infections are contagious and spread easily.
  • One of the common staph infections that affect children is staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome or SSSS.

Recurrent Skin Infections in Children

  • Refers to skin infections that recur time and again.
  • There are many causes for skin infections to recur.
  • Immune deficiency is one of the most common reasons for recurrent infections in children.
  • Allergies are also another reason why skin infections recur.
  • Lastly, resistant bacteria tend to recur over and over again in affected children.
  • The most common example of resistant bacteria is MRSA or methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus.

Causes and Treatment

Causes for skin infections include:

  • Entry of bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites
  • Weak immune system

Treatment for skin infections are highly specific including:

  • Administration of antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and antiparasitics.
  • Oral, topical, or intravenous administration of medications depending on the case of the child.
  • Strengthening the immune system by increasing intake of vitamins and minerals and their supplements.
  • Increasing intake of water to keep skin hydrated.
  • Proper hygiene to remove unwanted pathogens on the skin and to keep pathogens or the disease localized.
  • Immediate washing and treatment of wounds.
  • Medical or surgical procedures may be necessary for severe forms of skin infections.

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