Simple Ways to Remove a Ingrown Hair with Bump on Head

Shaving of the head is often associated with the problem of ingrown hair. The ingrown hair may result in a small and elevated bump on the scalp which may often be painful to touch. The condition is more frequently observed in African-Americans as their hair are more coarser and thicker.

Ingrown Hair on Head from Shaving

It is vital to using the correct shaving technique to prevent ingrowing of hair.

Here are some simple tips that need to be followed in order to avoid ingrown hair problem,

  • Don’t apply too much pressure while shaving. It is crucial as applying too much pressure can result in pushing the shaved end of the hair into the scalp, which may result in ingrown hair problem
  • Don’t shaving against the grain. Shaving against the grain can result in excessive friction. This friction can change the direction of hair growth and amplify the problem
  • Close shave should also be avoided. Close shaving can result in the hair getting stuck in the follicle, which may cause the hair to get embedded in the follicle and result in ingrown hair trouble.

Though some of us may want to have their head shaved, avoid it unless it is very essential. Maintaining a healthy scalp and regular scalp wash may help clear out the dead tissue and bacteria that tend to accumulate on the scalp.

Ingrown Hair on Head with a Bump

Ingrown hair is similar to pimples and often accompanied with pus. The accumulation of pus, sebum and blood may result in the formation of a bump on the head. This bump is often painful and tender. Local application of antibiotic ointments or home remedies like turmeric or honey, with strong antiseptic properties can be beneficial. Local application of tea tree oil can also be beneficial as tea tree oil is a strong anti-biotic and prevents secondary infection.

How to Remove Ingrown Hair on Head

Here is a simple way to remove ingrown hair on the head.

  • Removing the ingrown hair from the bump is crucial as it causes irritation which is responsible for the inflammation and swelling at the site. One can try using tweezers to simply squeeze the top of the bump and pull the ingrown hair out. Remove all the foreign substance accumulated in the bump including blood, pus and the hair. Ensure that the tweezers and your hands are clean while doing this. Unclean hands can result in secondary bacterial infection at the site
  • In case removing the ingrown hair with tweezers is not possible, use a sterile needle and prick the bump. This will open up the bump and expose the embedded hair within. With the sterile needle try to pull the hair out. Once you are done with it, gently dab the spot with either alcohol or savlon to prevent secondary infection. This technique should be used only if the ingrown hair is not visible. Often after using this technique you may experience burning and tenderness for some time, but these symptoms will resolve subsequently.

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