Symptoms and Natural Home Treatment for Torn Ligament

Torn Ligament

  • Ligaments help in stabilizing the joints by giving strength to the articular capsule. When these ligaments are twisted or pulled, a tear usually occurs.

  • When ligaments are torn, it can seriously affect the normal functioning of the bones and joints that it binds.

Torn Ligament Symptoms

  • A cracking or popping sound and sensation can be often heard when the ligaments tear or on the moment when the tear takes place.

    The sound is caused when the fibers of the ligament are pulled apart and snaps. The snapping makes the sound.

  • Bruising. Tearing of the ligaments cause blood to circulate more towards the injured area. This will cause swelling. The swelling on the other hand can put pressure on the blood vessels that overlay the torn ligament. When this happens, bruising will occur.

  • Swelling. This is caused by the increased in blood flow to the area where the torn ligament is located.

  • Pain when pressure is applied at the affected area.

  • The joint where the torn ligament is located will have very limited movement. There are times when it cannot be moved at all.

  • A small dent can be observed on the area where the tear had taken place.

  • Numbness. This happens when the nerves in the area are impinged due to the injury or the tear.

Torn Ligament Treatment

  • Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can help manage the symptoms of torn ligaments. It can specifically help with the swelling and the pain.

  • Herbal Supplements. There are natural supplements that can work as pain relievers which can greatly help in shortening the healing process. Good examples of these supplements include glucosamine and devil’s claw.

  • Compression. It is best for patients to safely wrap the area where the tear is located with the appropriate bandages and splints if needed. This can help reduce the swelling and also prevent further injury from happening.

  • Use cold compress. Doing so can help in the swelling and the pain.

  • Exercise. This should be done when the tear is already healing or when there is no more pain experienced which is after two months. Light exercises on the affected area can help the muscles have a range of motion making it easy to move. Remember not to overwork the injured area or stop when pain is felt.

  • Rest. Minimize using the body part where the ligaments have torn. This speeds up the healing process.

  • Physical therapy and surgery. Physical therapy is recommended by doctors when proper healing is not observed. In severe cases, the doctor will recommend surgery to fix the torn ligament.

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