What Is Pustular Acne? Its Causes And How To Get Rid Of It?

Acne or pimples tend to vary in presentation depending upon their severity. Pustular acnes are often considered to be moderate type of acne.

Pustular acne are characterized by formation of small bumps on the face which are typically associated with redness and inflammation of the surrounding skin. In some cases, pustular acne may be associated with severe to moderate pain and blood spots.

Causes Of Pustular Acne

The dermal layer of the skin comprises of various sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The sebaceous glands produce sebum (a natural oil) which keeps the skin healthy and lubricated. In some individuals, overactive sebaceous glands result in excessive production of sebum, which may be attributed to changes in the weather or hormonal fluctuations.

These overactive sebaceous glands then get clogged with dirt and bacteria which triggers in an inflammatory reaction. As the gland gets clogged, it is unable to drain the infected sebum which in turn results in the formation of pustular papules.

Poor skin hygiene, excessive exposure to sunlight and genetic predisposition are some of the other key factors that contribute towards formation of pustular acne.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pustular Acne

Fortunately there are several home remedies and natural treatment options that can be beneficial in treatment of pustular acne.

  • Local application of freshly crushed garlic juice can help get rid of pustular acne within a couple of weeks. Garlic has potent anti-bacterial properties which help deal with the condition promptly.
  • Local application of turmeric powder mixed with Margosa (Neem) leaves is helpful. The paste should be applied on the skin for about 15 to 20 minutes and then washed off with lukewarm water. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, while Margosa helps control bacterial growth.
  • Tea tree oil is very effective in management of pustular acne, especially during the early stages. Dab a cotton ball containing tea tree oil on to the affected site for a couple of times during the day. The appearance of the acne will be averted.
  • Maintain optimum skin hygiene. Wash your face with lukewarm water about three to four times during the day. Avoid applying soap, as soap dehydrates the skin and triggers increased production of sebum. After washing the face, dab the skin with a towel. Don’t rub your face, as rubbing can push dirt on the surface of the skin, into the pores, causing them to clog.
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin A supplements are vital to maintain healthy skin. Opt for natural sources of these vitamins by increasing the intake of carrots, apricots, prunes, green leafy vegetables, etc.
  • Homeopathic drug Sulphur and Natrum Mur are considered useful for individuals suffering from several pustular eruptions. These remedies can be taken in low dosage and can be repeated as per your physician’s instructions. These remedies help enhance natural immunity and also stabilize hormonal irregularities which trigger an over production of sebum.

In addition, don’t try to pop the acne by pressing its corners to drain the infected material. Popping the acne will result in recurrence of the acne and often leave a scar when it heals.

In some cases, pustular acne may be associated with an underlying endocrinal disorder like polycystic ovarian disease, thyroid dysfunction or adrenal gland disorders. It is important to get the underlying cause treated in order to deal with the tendency in general.

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