Prevention and Home Remedies to Get Rid of Poison Oak Rash

Poison Oak Rash

  • It is a common cause of allergic contagious dermatitis experienced by more than half of the people in America.
  • Poison oak plants contain urishiol, a type of oil that has toxins usually present in the stem, roots and leaves.
  • The allergic reaction begins as early as inhalation of urishiol smoke through the nose or lips.
    For most people, it starts through direct contact. It takes anywhere from 12 to 72 hours for the poison oak to penetrate through the surface of the skin.
  • Symptoms of rash include severe itching, swelling, redness and oftentimes blistering of the skin.
  • People may develop sensitivity to poison oak during childhood but it tends to disappear as they age.

How To Get Rid of Poison Oak Rash with Home Remedies

  • Once changes in the skin are seen, the person must wash the skin with soap and water. The clothes worn during contamination should be removed and washed as well.
  • Apply cool compress made with water or milk.
  • Vinegar or baking soda can be used as relief from the rash, applied directly or through bath.
  • Finely ground oatmeal mixed in a warm bath or prepared like a thick paste offers a soothing effect for the discomfort.
  • When the allergies occur while in the forest, look for the wild plant called jewelweed, which has a sap that looks like aloe vera gel. It has natural analgesics for the skin.
  • Aloe vera itself can be used as home remedy because it works against all forms of inflammation.

Treating Poison Oak Rash

  • Doctors usually prescribe hydrocortisone creams for those with severe allergic reaction towards poison oak.
  • Calamine lotion is a popular over-the-counter relief for the rash as it helps dry the inflammation.
  • Ointments prescribed for diaper rash may also be used to treat rash from poison oak.
  • Zinc oxide topical creams help prevent further infection and damage to the skin.

Preventing Rash from Poison Oak

To avoid allergies from poison oak, ivy and similar plants, here are a few tips to follow:

  • Learn to be more familiar about poison oak. It is a small bush or vine having leaves with smooth edges and come in clusters.
  • If exposure is inevitable, wear protective clothing like long pants, gloves and long-sleeved shirts.
  • Use non-prescription medication that works like a sunblock cream, only that it protects the skin from the poison oak.
  • If allergies develop, never rub the skin despite severe itchiness to prevent bacterial infection of the skin.
  • Urishiol can retain its toxins even if the poison oak has already dried up. Thus, never touch these plants despite their dried appearance.

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