Causes and Treatment for Canker or White Sores on Back of Throat

Canker Sores on Back of Throat

  • Canker sores that are located on the back of the throat are usually painful sores that can reach up to an inch in size.
  • There is often a burning or tingling sensation that is felt before the sores appear.
  • When the canker sores appear at the back of the throat, it can inflame and burst in a matter of hours.
  • These sores usually have a white or yellowish coating.
  • Commonly, the swelling sores burst alone, but there are times when it can bursts in cluster creating pain.
  • There is a rare possibility that canker sores on the back of the throat will be accompanied by other symptoms like fever, lymph nodes that swell, and lethargy. When these symptoms arise, it is best for patients to contact a doctor.
  • The range of the healing process for canker sores can reach up to two weeks. It is during the first three days that patients can experience pain and mild to severe discomforts.

White Sores on Back of Throat

White sores on back of the throat are also canker sores.

These sores appear to look white because of its coating that can also take a yellowish color.

  • These white sores are considered harmless and are not contagious, but can be very painful especially when swallowing food.
  • Children who have this condition usually will need medications to help in alleviating pain and discomfort.
  • Studies have shown that when patients have several episodes or outbreaks, their children will have a ninety percent chance to have the same outbreaks.
  • Canker sores can also be observed in different areas. It can occur in the tongue, cheeks, lips, and other parts inside the mouth.

Causes and Treatment for Canker Sores on Back of Throat

The exact cause of canker sores is still unknown. But there are several factors that may lead to its development. Treatment on the other hand may not be required for mild cases but certain medications and remedies are needed to alleviate pain especially when eating.

  • Stress or injury in the tissues can lead to canker sores.
  • There are foods that can trigger the development of canker sores or make symptoms worse. These foods include fruits and vegetables that are high in acid levels. Common examples are pineapples, oranges, tomatoes, and strawberries.
  • Rough or sharp tooth surface can also trigger appearance of sores along with common dental appliances like dentures and braces.
  • Weak immune system, nutritional deficiencies, and gastrointestinal tract diseases can also lead to canker sores.
  • When the sores are persistent, large and are causing severe pain, an antimicrobial rinse can be used. A corticosteroid ointment can also be applied to help with pain and the healing process.

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