Calcium Deposit In Shoulder: Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Calcium deposition around the shoulders is a relatively common occurrence and usually is not associated with any form of symptoms. However as the quantum of deposition increases, it may lead to inflammation and can be associated with severe pain, stiffness and discomfort. There are simple home remedies and exercises that can help alleviate the symptoms associated with calcium deposits on the shoulder.

This article provides all the relevant information about calcium deposits in shoulder.

Calcium deposits in shoulder are more frequently observed in females between the ages of 35-65 years, however it may be observed among males as well. In most cases, calcium deposition in the shoulder may be asymptomatic for several years, however as the deposit increases in size, it can lead to friction and pain between the bones of the shoulder joint. Further it can also lead to inflammation of the bursal tissue which in turn results in reduced range of movement of the shoulder joint.

What Causes Calcium Deposits In Shoulder?

Unfortunately there is little known about what causes calcium deposits in the shoulder. Some experts indicate abnormalities in the absorption and metabolism of calcium as a factor which contributes to the deposition.

Excessive intake of calcium supplements, especially in individuals who don’t need them, can also increase the risk of calcium deposits. Other factors include lack of exercises and dietary irregularities.

However it is recommended to consult your doctor before discontinuing calcium supplements. Calcium supplements up to 1000 mg per day may be required in elderly patients, post-menopausal females and during pregnancy.

Symptoms Of Calcium Deposits In Shoulder

While smaller deposits in the shoulder may not lead to any symptoms, larger deposits can be associated with a host of symptoms,

  • Pain which is aggravated by movement is one of the most common symptoms of calcium deposit in the shoulder.
  • Inflammation of the shoulder joint may lead to edema or swelling along with redness and tenderness.
  • Calcium deposit of the shoulder joint may significantly affect the range of movement of the shoulder joint.

Calcium Deposits In Shoulder Treatment

In general, if calcium deposits in shoulder are incidental findings on an X ray scan, with no symptoms, there is no need for treatment. However, treatment may be required if the symptoms persist or increase in severity.

  • Hot fomentation is considered valuable in treatment of symptoms like pain and swelling associated with the condition. Heat helps in improving circulation of blood to the site which hastens healing.
  • Physical therapy is also considered useful, especially when calcium deposits interfere with the range of movement of the shoulder joint.
  • Homeopathic drugs like Bryonia and Rhus Tox are considered very useful in the treatment of symptoms associated with the condition. Low potency doses repeated over several times in the day is recommended.

In severe cases, the calcium deposits may have to be removed using arthroscopy techniques or surgery. However, in most cases, conventional therapy is adequate to treat the symptoms of the condition.

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