Tonsils are lymphatic glands that are located around the throat and play a crucial role in protecting the body from infections. The tonsils comprise of pharyngeal tonsils that are located along the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, tubal tonsils that are located along the Eustachian tube, palatine tonsils that are …
Throat Obstruction
Tonsil Stones Causes And Symptoms: How To Get Rid Of Them Naturally?
Tonsil stones are relatively rare condition, characterized by accumulation of calcified crystals in the crevices of tonsils. This condition is more frequently found in the palatine tonsils, compared to the lingual tonsils. While the exact cause for tonsil stones are not known, this condition is easily manageable using simple home …
Causes Of Strained Vocal Chords: Remedies For Damaged Vocal Chords
Strained vocal cords is not something unusual, it is a common problem faced by many people as a result of shouting, straining of voice for a longer time etc. Vocal cords are two band of muscles situated in the voice box, which medical people call as larynx.
When we talk, …
How to Get Out Foreign Object Stuck in Throat Naturally at Home
Whenever you feel a foreign body stuck in throat you have to remain calm, so that it may not be pushed further down. Many times the patient may feel a stuck piece of fish bone or a chicken bone in his throat after eating a fish or a chicken. There …
What are the Home Remedies and Prevention Tips for Tonsil Stones
Tonsil Stones, also known as Tonsillolith are calcifications found on the crypts, or in the dents of the tonsils. Most of the time the stones go unnoticed and will only be accidently discovered with x-rays or CT Scans.
- Tonsil stones can be asymptomatic
- Possible symptoms include pain when swallowing and
Causes of Throat Obstruction | Throat Blockages, Congestion Causes
Throat Obstruction Causes:
There are a number of reasons why a person may get something stuck in their throat. One of the reasons when it comes to young children is due to curiosity and lack of supervision. Usually babies and toddlers get something stuck in their throat when they are …
Throat Obstruction Symptoms | Signs Of Throat Blockage, Congestion
Signs of Throat Obstruction
One of the main symptoms you will notice with a throat obstruction is the pain that usually comes from the area of the obstruction. Sometimes, when a person has a bone stuck in their throat, this can cause a tear to occur. This tear can bleed …
Natural Cure for Throat Obstruction | Treatment for Throat Blockage
Throat Obstruction Natural Remedies:
Getting help immediately for a throat obstruction problem can greatly help a person from suffering more than just minor discomforts or minor injuries. Here are some quick remedies that you can try for just such problems:
- When you find that a fish bone is lodged in