Exercises For Fallen Bladder: Symptoms And Treatment Of Cystocele

The pelvic floor comprises of muscles, connective tissue and ligaments that support the bladder and various pelvic organs. A cystocele or a fallen bladder or a prolapsed bladder occurs when the supportive tissue between the vaginal wall and the urinary bladder weakens, and the bladder bulges in to the vagina. …

Causes Of Thickened Endometrium And Its Symptoms And Treatment

Mentioning endometrium means we are discussing subject related to female uterus. Endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, which becomes thick every month in anticipation of embedding the fertilized female egg. However, if the woman does not become pregnant, the endometrium (lining) is shed and this results in bleeding …

Gardnerella Vaginalis Causes: Gardnerella Infection Home Remedies

Foul fishy odor from the genital region is an embarrassing situation for any woman. The bad smell can lower a woman’s self esteem and affect the social as well as her intimate personal life. Most often the reason behind bad odor from the vagina is due to gardnerella infection. It …

Causes And Home Remedies For Sore Breasts After Ovulation

There are many women, who complain of soreness and tenderness in their breast after ovulation right until they get their next period. Many of these women become pregnant while others may have their next menstrual cycle. The reason for sore breast after ovulation is attributed to the hormonal changes occurring …