Human abdomen houses large number of organs, right from the alimentary system to certain part of the urogenital tract. Any problem in these organs can reflex into abdominal symptoms, particularly pain. While most of the organs in men and women are same, few may be peculiar to the gender, especially …
Women’s Health
Serous Papillary Cystadenoma Of Ovary: Symptoms & Management
Serous papillary cystadenoma is a fairly common benign tumor of the ovary which is known to affect women in the age group of 40 to 60 years. The tumor is not cancerous and does not spread. It is a slow growing tumor and typically presents as a single cyst in …
Symptoms Of Uterine Polyps: Its Causes And Treatment Options
A uterine polyp is a small growth which is attached to the inner wall of the uterus and extends into the cavity of the uterus. When there is a huge multiplication of the cells of the endometrium of the uterus, polyps form. By and large, polyps are non cancerous, although …
Ruptured Follicle: What Happens To It After Ovulation?
An ovarian follicle is the basic – fundamental unit of the female reproductive biology, and is composed of spherical aggregations of cells. A follicle contains one oocyte. The follicle is periodically instigated to grow and develop, culminating in ovulation. Eggs develop only once a month, i.e. once every menstrual cycle; …
Symptoms Of Vulvovaginitis: Causes & Home Remedies To Treat It
Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal tissue and is seen as a change in the color, quantity and smell of the discharge from the vagina. There will be itching, irritation or pain in the vagina. Urination may be painful. There may be pain during intercourse as well. Some even …
Corpus Luteum Cyst Symptoms: Its Causes And How To Get Rid Of It?
Corpus luteum cyst is a functional ovarian cyst, which develops after the egg has been released from the egg follicle. The remnant of the ovarian follicle transforms into a secretary gland, which produces estrogen and progesterone, aimed at preparing the uterus for conception. If no pregnancy occurs, corpus luteum disintegrates …
What Causes An Enlarged Ovary? What Are Its Natural Remedies?
Ovaries are a part of the female endocrinal and reproductive system. Ovaries are responsible for the release of certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone (primarily female hormones), which are responsible for secondary female sexual characteristics like development of breasts, menstrual periods, voice changes, etc.
Under normal conditions, both the ovaries …
What Is Turner Syndrome? What Are Its Symptoms And Treatment?
Turner syndrome is associated with several conditions in human females, with the absence of an entire sex chromosome, being the most common. A normal human female has 46 chromosomes, of which two are sex chromosomes, however in Turner syndrome, either a part or an entire sex chromosome may be missing.…
Fibrocystic Breast Disease: Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Fibrocystic breast disease affects almost 60% of all women, with a relatively high prevalence within the 30 to 50 year age group. Fibrocystic breast disease refers to a condition which is associated with formation of lump in the breast tissues which are usually benign and non-cancerous lesions.
In general the …
What Causes A Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst? Its Symptoms And Treatment
An ovarian cyst is a pouch or pocket that is filled with fluid; present within or on the exterior aspect of the ovary. A lot of women have ovarian cysts at some time during their lives; however, most cysts are harmless and have no presenting feature. A majority of the …