What are the Symptoms & Treatment for Appendicitis In Children Under 5

Appendicitis is one of the common diseases that afflict people within the ages of 10 to 30. There are cases of this condition among children younger than five years old.

Appendicitis in Children Under 5

Appendicitis entails quick medical response, especially among young children. It’s important to know more information about its symptoms because sometimes parents tend to confuse it with a simple upset stomach.

The medical history of the family affects the child, putting him or her at great risk if there are other family members who have had appendicitis.

Appendicitis in Children Symptoms

  • The signs of a malfunctioning appendix are not too different between adults and children. However, it is difficult to tell among kids because they may not express the type of discomfort they are feeling.
  • Pay close attention to the child if there is persistent pain as he points to the navel area.
  • Onset of appendicitis is accompanied by mild fever.
  • The pain may intensify towards the lower right abdomen.
  • Children may complain about the pain when they move about, during walking or coughing.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation
  • If there is tenderness in the lower right abdomen area, appendicitis is more likely to have occurred.
  • For kids 2 years and under, it is common to see symptoms like vomiting and swelling of the abdomen.

Appendicitis in Children Treatment

  • Through diagnostic tests and antibiotics, appendicitis is immediately identified and treated.
  • If there is reckless disregard for medical treatment, the inflammation will worsen that could lead to a bursting appendix within 24 to 72 hours.
  • Removal of the inflamed appendix is called appendectomy, which can be done through traditional incision or through a small probing device called laparoscope.
  • Surgeons use intravenous fluids and antibiotics to prevent infections and complications after the procedure.
  • If there is a ruptured appendix, the hospital stay may take longer to allow for more antibiotic treatment that would eliminate all signs of bacterial infection.

Recovery and Home Care

  • After being discharged from the hospital, the child must rest well and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Doctors recommend about 10 to 14 days of post-surgery rest and recovery.
  • Pain-relievers may be taken based on doctor’s orders, if there is pain.
  • The child can still be accompanied for short leisurely walks so they can get proper exercise.

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