Blocked ear is extremely discomforting condition whether it occurs during daytime or at night while sleeping. You may experience your ears are blocked during a takeoff of airplane or while swimming or at certain height. All this things can make us realize a sensation of pressure inside the ear. As if the ear is full and tensed.
So what exactly is responsible for blocked ear while lying down? Let us know the reasons and learn how to fix it so the next time it occurs we are able to resolve it from treatment measures stored in our armament.
Causes of Blocked Ear While Sleeping:
Cold, influenza, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, ear infection, all can lead to plugged ears.
How to resolve your blocked ear while you are asleep:
In order to resolve the discomforting blockage in ear, firstly it is necessary to know the reason that causes it. Treating the primary underlying reason can resolve your problem.
- When you experience sleeping worsens your ear blockage, take one extra pillow to elevate your head and shoulder. This will facilitate easy drainage of fluid from the ear and also reduce pressure.
- If one ear is blocked you can sleep on the other side. Lying on the side which is normal will also help the blocked ear to drain easily.
- If your nose is blocked due to rhinitis and cold, put saline nasal drops in the nose to clear it out. Since the nose, throat and ear are connected, clearing your nose will reduce pressure in ears and the fullness sensation is relieved.
- Often lack of humidity in bedroom can cause dryness in nose and throat. This may result in congestion in nose, ear and throat. Keeping a humidifier in bedroom can resolve your problem.
- Drink plenty of fluid as it helps to liquefy the fluid present in Eustachian tube so that it can flow easily out of the tube.
- If impacted ear wax is the problem, put few ear drops daily for two three days. Wax will become soft and you can remove it or it so comes out of its own.