Causes of Cyst on Eyeball and Its Effective Treatment

Cysts on Eyeball Causes

  • Certain types of contact lenses which irritate and inflame the eye. Improper use of contact lens can also lead to having these cysts.
  • Corneal erosion syndrome that occurs from time to time.
  • Exposure to vapors of harsh industrial chemicals such as those that contain nitrogen like the heterocyclic, alicyclic, and aliphatic chemicals.
  • Degenerative disorders of the cornea and other parts of the eyeballs such as EBMD or epithleal basement membrane dystrophy, Meesmann’s dystrophy, retinoschisis and the Cogan’s microsystic corneal dystrophy.
  • Medications like aromatase inhibitors and interferon therapy.
  • Improper use of eye lubricants
  • Injuries or trauma to the eyes which affect the sclera or the white portion of the eyes and other parts.
  • Damage of the nerve tissues of the eyes.
  • Genetic disposition.

Cyst on Eyeball Symptoms

  • Mild to severe eye discomfort and tearing along with eye irritation and itching.
  • Blurred or decreased vision and sometimes loss of peripheral vision.
  • Pain when the extraocular muscles move.
  • Sensations that an object is stuck in the affected eye.
  • Edema of the eyes.
  • In cases of ruptured corneal cysts, patients will experience severe pain in the eyes accompanied by corneal erosions which can be observed on the corneal surface as scattered tiny points of fluorescein uptake.

Cysts on Eyeball Treatment

Treatment of the cysts usually depends on the underlying cause. Most often, these cysts go away without any specific treatment. Common procedures that are done are mentioned below.

  • Cysts that are caused by contact lenses are easily managed in ophthalmology clinics. Doctors will use intensive lubrication to prevent the cysts from rupturing and limit its formation. Cysts will go away on its own after some time.
  • When symptoms persists, patients are required to wear bandage contact lens which are soft lens that have no refractive power and helps protect the eyeball from the pressure brought about by blinking.
  • Patients should always remember to wash the eyes with warm water together with medicated mild soap for around six times per day.
  • Place warm compress on the affected eye. This will enhance blood circulation which shortens recovery time. A clean piece of heated cloth or one that is soaked in hot water and then wringed out can be applied on the eye.
  • Application of rosewater and honey mixture on the eyes can also speed up recovery.
  • In cases of cysts that are caused by degenerative disorders, treatment procedures usually involve specific steps that have been proven helpful in managing such disorders like surgery. However, there are those that cannot be treated like retinoschisis but symptoms can be managed.
  • Focal debridement or scraping.

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