How To Lower High Eye Pressure Naturally? Its Causes And Symptoms

Pressure in the eyes or intraocular pressure ranges from 10-20 mmHg under normal conditions. High eye pressure refers to the condition in which, either one or both the eyes, have a pressure more than 21 mmHg on more than one occasion. The pressure of the eyes is measured with an instrument called the tonometer.

In general, ocular hypertension is not a disease in itself but is considered to be an indication of higher risk of onset of glaucoma, though there are host of other conditions that are associated with high eye pressure.

As per reports, in 2000, about 3-6 million people in the United States suffered from rise in intraocular pressure, of which about 2.5 million have developed glaucoma and about 130,000 complaining of loss of vision due to damage to the optic nerve. The prevalence of high eye pressure is higher (about 4-10%) in population above the age of 40 years.

Data has suggested that the average risk estimated for development of glaucoma; in individuals with ocular hypertension for 5 years is about 10%. This risk can however be considerably reduced by early diagnosis and treatment.

What Causes High Pressure In The Eyes?

Elevated pressure is associated with imbalance in the drainage and production of fluid in the aqueous humor of the eye. Fluid is continuously produced in the aqueous humor; however obstruction to the drainage of this fluid can result in rise in intraocular pressure. Ocular hypertension is considered to be the main risk factor associated with the development of glaucoma.

Signs And Symptoms Of High Eye Pressure

Most people with elevated eye pressure don’t experience any symptoms. Usually the symptoms associated with raised ocular pressure only develop after the onset of glaucoma. Some of the key symptoms however may include,

  • Pain in the eye ball which is usually aggravated on change in position.
  • Loss of peripheral vision may be observed in advanced stages of glaucoma and may be associated with damage to the optic nerve.
  • Examination of the angle of the eye using a technique called gonioscopy can reveal if the raised ocular pressure is associated with open angle (i.e. the drainage channels are open) or closed angle glaucoma (i.e. the drainage channels are obstructed and blocked).

How To Reduce High Eye Pressure Naturally

Different ophthalmologists may choose to treat the condition differently, depending upon a host of factors like the age of the individual, nature of glaucoma, general health status, etc. Here are some simple home remedies and natural treatment options that might be useful in alleviating the symptoms associated with the condition,

  • Topical application of the herb Echinacea is very useful in dealing with a host of eye problems. The herb is considered useful in not only improving the drainage from the channels but also improves vision.
  • Consume foods that are rich in Vitamin A including nuts, fruits like mango, papaya, etc. Include vitamin A supplements in your diet. Vitamin A can help slow the degeneration of the retina and prevent peripheral vision loss in advance cases. Overdose of Vitamin A however, can be associated with toxicity and hence it is recommended to follow the instructions of your ophthalmologist.
  • Simple eye exercises can help in improving the muscular tone and aid in drainage of fluids. Example, focus on an object located at a distance of 3 feet for about 30 seconds and then focus on an object located at 20 feet, without moving your eye balls across the plain of vision for 30 seconds. Repeat this for about three times a day.

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