Herpes is a fairly common sexually transmitted infection characterized by pain, itching and sores in the anal area. Occasionally, you may have no symptoms at all. If infected, you are contagious even if you have no apparent pustules.
The herpes simplex virus causes herpes around the anus. Sexual contact is the chief mode of transmission. After the original infection, the virus tends to stay latent and can reactivate recurrently many times a year.
How Do You Get Herpes Around The Anus?
- HSV-1: This virus causes cold sores around the mouth, and spreads to the anal area during oral sex.
- HSV-2: This causes genital herpes. HSV – 2 spreads via sexual contact and skin to skin contact. It is highly communicable, whether or not you have an open sore. The virus dies promptly outside the body; hence, you cannot get an infection through contact with towels, napkins or other objects used by an infected individual.
Women are more susceptible to herpes around the anus than men. The herpes virus is transmitted more easily from males to females than from females to males. Having multiple sexual partners increases your risk of developing the infection considerably.
Symptoms Of Herpes Around The Anus
Most people have no signs or symptoms and if present the symptoms are too mild. When present, the symptoms are:
- Itching around the anus which starts about 2 – 10 days after you have been exposed to an infected sexual partner.
- You will see small white blisters or small red bumps, these are itchy and painful.
- Blisters rupture and ooze or bleed.
- Ulcers form.
- Scabs form when ulcers heal.
- During the first outbreak, you will experience flu-like symptoms – fever, swollen lymph nodes in the groin, headache, malaise and body pains.
- Some people experience several episodes each year. On the other hand, outbreaks are less frequent as the time passes.
How To Treat Herpes Around The Anus?
- Your doctor will treat you with anti-viral medications; these help to heal the sores quickly and reduce the severity and duration of the symptoms. They also help ward off against recurrent episodes of outbreaks.
- Epsom salt bath: It is a very useful home remedy for herpes. Mix a handful of salt in half bucket of water and soak the affected area for 15 minutes. This will greatly ease the pain and discomfort.
- Lemon: Squeeze fresh lime juice and apply over the sores using a cotton swab. Do this several times daily.
- Baking Soda: Apply baking soda mixed with a little bit of water directly to the sores; it allays the pain and itching and promotes faster healing.
Finding out that you have herpes can be quite embarrassing. You will be apprehensive, wary or angry with your partner if you think he or she has given you the infection. Communicate with your partner. Be open and frank.
Genital herpes may stay latent in the body for years, so it’s rather difficult to ascertain when you got infected. Educate yourself. Confer with your health care provider and learn how to live with the condition and diminish your risk of infecting others. Learn about how to effectively deal with outbreaks.