What Is Ketosis?
Ketosis is characterized by an abnormally high level of ketone bodies in the blood. The condition develops when the liver starts converting fat in to fatty acids and ketone bodies.
What Causes Ketosis?
- The commonest cause is dieting. Individuals embarking on to a low carbohydrate diet develop ketosis, more often than not.
- When inadequate carbs are present in the diet, the brain begins to burn ketones to utilize the energy; thereby, conserving glucose for critical needs, and staving off a break-down of the muscles.
Ketosis Symptoms
The following are the manifestations of ketosis:
- The classic sign of ketosis is that the breath becomes sweet smelling and fruity.
- Fatigue
- Excessive thirst
- Headaches
- Giddiness
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Disturbed sleep
The best way to diagnose ketosis is to get the urine investigated. If the test is positive for ketone bodies, it confirms ketosis. Ketosis strips are available in the market. They help tests for the presence of ketone bodies. The strip changes color if it comes in contact with ketone bodies.
Ketosis Food and Diet Plan
- Ketosis can be reversed by changing one’s diet. Incorporate lots of carbohydrates in the diet. Expert says, eating tiny portions of meals, every 3 to 4 hours prevents ketosis. A protein rich diet also helps relieve the symptoms of ketosis.
- Another important aspect of the diet is drinking plenty of water. Adequate water helps dilute the urine, and also helps get rid of the ketone bodies.
Ketosis Treatment
- It is very essential that the condition is determined quickly and the right treatment option is started. Ketone bodies are acidic, and their buildup in the blood leads to toxicity, which could turn life threatening.