Symptoms Of Gas In Chest Area: Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Chest

Gas is a normal symptom often experienced by many due to indigestion of food. Indigestion results when you eat the wrong type of food or when you gulp the food without chewing it properly. You can swallow large amount of air when you eat in hurry. Fermented food, milk and milk products, beans and legumes, potatoes and carbonated drinks are some of the triggering elements that cause excess gas build up in the stomach and chest.

All these factors may cause accumulation of gas in the chest and stomach area.

Gas In Chest Area

No sooner a person complains of gas in chest area, you panic and wonder if this is a sign of a heart ailment or a heart attack. Frequently, gas accumulated in stomach and abdomen, can build up pressure on the lower region of the food pipe. It stretches the muscles of the food pipe and the nerve endings. This gives a typical sensation of pain in the chest, mimicking a heart attack or angina.
But to be on the safer side, when you experience gas in the chest area, it should not be neglected. A quick checkup with your family physician is advised.

Sometimes, the stomach gas pain may actually be a symptom of a heart attack or angina. However, once confirmed by your physician, that it is not a heart attack, you feel relieved and your treatment for trapped chest and stomach gas in chest becomes easy.

Symptoms Of Trapped Gas In Chest

Symptoms of trapped gas in the chest may vary from one person to another. It depends on the intensity and the amount of gas as well as the discomfort it produces while breathing. Here are some symptoms:

  • You feel like a ton of weight has been placed over your chest. You get a feeling of heaviness and high pressure in the chest area.
  • Belching and bloating of abdomen are other symptoms of trapped gas in chest.
  • There can be overwhelming pain with sweating in some cases. You may feel better while walking.
  • Sitting and lying down to sleep makes you uncomfortable.

Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Chest

First, confirm with your physician that the resulting chest pain is due to stomach gas and not a sign of something serious. Next, take preventive measures to stop the production of gas. There are several home remedies that provide relief from gas in the chest area:

  • Belching and or expelling flatus will relieve you from trapped gas in the chest.
  • Ginger: Ginger is the digestive cholagogue. It helps digest heavy food and reduce gas formation. You can add ginger to your regular food or simply chew a piece of fresh ginger. You can also prepare a concoction of ginger: Boil few shredded pieces of ginger in a glass of water. Strain the liquid after sometime and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink the prepared concoction twice daily when you feel discomfort due to gas in chest and stomach.
  • Mix soda bicarbonate in a glass of water and drink the mixture. It facilitates easy belching and burping, thereby relieving gas in chest area.
  • Asafetida: It is known for its role in preventing flatulence and gas. It also quells stomach cramps. Add a pinch of asafetida to a glass of buttermilk. It helps in releasing gas in chest area.
  • Coriander seed is another effective home remedy that can help in releasing the trapped gas in chest. Chew a few coriander seeds after your meals to release the stomach gas.
  • Avoid over eating.
  • Prepare green tea and dissolve half teaspoon of cinnamon extract in the tea. You can also add a teaspoon of honey to enhance its sweetness. Drink this green tea preparation twice a day.
  • Avoid eating gas forming foods, especially when you have a history of such an episode.

14 thoughts on “Symptoms Of Gas In Chest Area: Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Chest

  • April 12, 2013 at 2:28 am

    I was also suffering from such gas problem. When the gas gets trapped towards the left side in the chest, I feel light pressure in the chest. I suspected it to be a heart problem. But now I know that why this happens and I get more relief when I read this information.

  • October 15, 2013 at 10:11 pm

    After every 2 to 3 days, I have sharp pain in my chest and upper left of back. I visited ER (emergency room) and did all heart related tests. There was no abnormality detected in any of the tests. My gallbladder is removed in last November. I also underwent upper gastro endoscopy examination which is also normal. What can be the reason?

    • October 16, 2013 at 2:34 pm

      You have not mentioned your age. How old are you? It is of prime importance to rule out any cardiac problem. You may also do an X-ray of cervical spine and X-ray chest. A pinched nerve in cervical spine may sometimes give rise to pain in chest and upper back. Spasm in chest muscles may also be another cause after lifting heavy weight or object. Since the pain is in left side of chest, you should talk to your doctor in detail if any further tests are necessary to rule out cardiac disease.

  • October 18, 2013 at 3:17 pm

    I am 32 years old and I am suffering from gastric pain which radiates to heart area. It usually occurs when I drink a cup of tea or soft drink. I did an ECG. It is normal but how can this pain alleviate. Is heart attack possible at this age?

    • October 23, 2013 at 4:37 pm

      Even if your ECG is normal, you have to rule out heart ailment. Tread mill test usually helps to rule out coronary artery related problems. However, the symptoms that you are describing are more of gastritis in origin. Avoid drinking tea and coffee. Avoid aerated soft drinks. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Eat bland food, less spicy and oily. Avoid excessive strenuous physical work. There are incidences of people getting heart attack at the age of 30 or 32. However, the ratio in comparison to people over the age of 45 is much less.

  • October 28, 2013 at 5:03 pm

    I am 23 years old. Since 11 months I have pain in my chest. It is mild. X-ray, ECG, Mantoux test, cough examination are all normal. Doctors do not find any abnormality in the tests. But still the symptom of chest pain is persistent. I feel relaxed only after expulsion of gas and burps. I had temperature and shivers sometime. I am confused about this problem related to heart or is it tuberculosis.

    • October 29, 2013 at 2:33 pm

      Chest pain is a common symptom due to many different conditions. All the organic causes such as heart ailment, pathology in chest etc is ruled out by your doctors. The pain may be due to muscle inflammation, pinched nerve in the chest wall or even depression. It can also be due to reflux esophagitis. Take a break from excessive strenuous work. Apply alternate hot and cold application. It will help to improve blood circulation in chest muscles and alleviate pain. Apply medicated topical skin cream. Gentle massage with coconut oil may also relax strained muscles. Avoid eating spicy and oily food. Eat your dinner 2 hours before you retire to bed. If you are smoking, stop it immediately.

  • January 27, 2014 at 2:44 am

    I am 36 years old and since last week I have this pricking pain in the left side of my chest. It feels heavy and kind of pressure. Pricking starts and then a ton of gas comes out , then I feel little bit relaxed. This pricking pain sometimes starts any time. Got an ECG in ER but came normal. When I get soft stool and gas is passed, I feel comfortable. But since I work in US shift ( I live in India ) that is in night and have a sedentary life , so not sure what is the cause of concern. Can gas trigger such pricking pain on left side of the chest?

    • January 28, 2014 at 4:04 pm

      Considering your age and lifestyle and your symptoms, you should test your blood cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. Also you should do a stress test to rule out any underlying cardiac problem. Also do stool examination and ultrasound of upper abdomen. An X-ray chest may be necessary to find if there is a pathology involved. If you are smoking stop it immediately. Live a healthy lifestyle, eat nutritious food and do regular exercise.

  • March 26, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    My mother is 54 years old. She practices yoga daily. She also exercises regularly. She is having chest pain and it seems like gas trouble. I hope this is not any cardiac problem. Her blood pressure is 170/90. What kind of foods would be good for her health condition?

    • March 27, 2014 at 10:25 am

      Even though she is doing regular exercise, cardiac ailment cannot be ruled out. There are certain tests to rule out cardiac problems such as stress test, blood lipids, etc. Since she is also having high blood pressure, reduce her salt intake. She should also avoid eating excess of saturated fats and oily food. She should increase intake of fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs, low fat milk, cereals, lentils and grains.

  • August 28, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    I am having pain in my chest and upper left of back. I am just 20 years old and I had shivers and temperature. Pain usually occurs when I eat something or when I’m breathing. So what is the reason behind this?

    • August 31, 2014 at 1:52 pm

      Pain in chest and upper back can be due to several causes. It is very difficult to tell the exact cause without clinical examination. The best thing for you is to consult a physician. After physical examination, he will be able to tell which tests you need to do. You may require to do X-ray chest, ECG, 2-D echo and several other tests.


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