Home Remedies to Increase Food Hunger
Weight is not the only concern for people. There are also those who needed to gain weight. For some people, it’s easy; but there are some who need help, more help.
Increase Hunger By:
- Eating Smaller Meals
- Avoiding Snacks Too Close to Mealtime
- Keeping Snacks Light and Meals Heavier
- Exercising – This can be a kick start for the metabolic system and can help people become a lot hungrier and have better appetites during mealtime
- Eat Low-Fiber Meals
- Eat before bed – can help increase insulin levels
- Keep a well-stocked pantry or Refrigerator
- Bring snacks Wherever You Go
- Choose Colorful Food – Studies have shown a link between colors and appetite
- Change Meal Plans on a Regular Basis – This keeps things interesting and will keep you from getting bored of your meals.
- Slowly increase amount of food intake with each meal – this helps the body get used to the idea of having more food.
- Use larger plates and larger cups – These are going to help you take in more even without your knowledge
- Drink High Caloric Beverages
- Stimulate the appetite with good smelling meals
- Cook the food yourself or go to a good restaurant
- Use appetite stimulating supplements
- Drink fruit juice
- Eat Foods that Increase Appetite
Foods that Increase Hunger
- Oranges
- Ginger
- Grapes
- Garlic
- Apples
- Cinnamon
- Lemons
- Foods that Use Artificial Sweeteners – The ironic thing about artificial sweeteners is that they have been shown to have a stimulant effect on appetite
Precautions for Increasing Appetite Without Supervision
- It is important to consult a doctor before going on binge eating
- Not everyone is healthy enough to be able to put on more weight safely
- If appetite loss is the issue, it could be caused by some underlying condition that will require medical attention.
- When appetite loss is caused by some underlying medical concern (e.g. anorexia, dyspepsia), it needs to be treated together with the appetite increase.