Diet for Enema:
Is there a specific diet that a person has to have when they are to have an enema? Are there certain enemas that require a person to have a special diet before it is administered?
- When a person is scheduled to have a barium enema, he is often advised to not eat anything for a period of 12 hours prior to the administration of the barium enema.
- Since an enema may lower a person’s blood sugar after the procedure, taking something after to raise your sugar levels a bit is advisable. A ripe banana may do the trick.
- Try not to eat too much or a lot before you have an enema. Even when you are doing the enema yourself, since you will need to massage your abdomen when you are in the process of doing this cleansing technique, eating very little or lightly is advisable.
- After having an enema, eat lightly as well. Do not eat foods that are bound to cause you certain problems with digestion immediately after your enema.