How to Naturally Break a Fever with Herbs and Foods?

How to Break a Fever

Contrary to indigenous belief, a fever is not a disease in anyway. Instead, fevers are always an indication of an underlying medical condition, usually an infection. This is described as an elevation of the body’s internal temperature. It is the body’s response to a disease. An imbalance in the body’s homeostasis stimulates the body’s thermoregulatory center in the brain.

As more energy is needed to maintain and restore the body’s homeostatic levels, heat is continually produced. When the temperature reaches above the body’s set point or tolerance for heat, this is called hyperthermia. This is when medical professionals state that they need to ‘break the fever.’ Continuous generation leads to loss of essential heat. At some point, health care providers should break the fever to lower the body temperature, giving the body ample time to recover and rest.

How to Break a Fever Naturally

Most ways to lower the body’s temperature involves a combination of medications. Although these are effective, there are alternatives which do not further affect the body’s normal processes.

The following are ways that help break a fever naturally:

  • Ice bags. Ice bags can be directly placed on vital areas, such as the forehead and neck. Although these may be painful upon skin contact, ice helps release trapped heat in the body.
  • Tepid Sponge Bath. A towel soaked in lukewarm water can be used on the whole body. This aids in the release of excessive heat in the body, allowing the skin to cool down. It is by far the most effective intervention when it comes to fevers.
  • Egg Whites. In a bowl filled with egg whites, soak at least 2 towels or handkerchiefs for at least a few minutes. Place it on the soles of the feet and wrap by covering the feet with socks. The egg whites work by helping the heat be transferred from the brain down to the feet, where excessive heat can do no debilitating damage. It is important to note that the egg whites should be applied over and over again. In very high temperatures, these egg whites can end up cooked. These should be used wet all the time.
  • Potatoes and onions. Chopped potatoes or onions work like egg whites. These can be placed on the soles of the feet to draw the heat out.
  • Hydration. Drinking more than the usual recommended dose for water daily can help bring down the fever. Dehydration is a common complication of increased temperature.
  • Remove extra clothing. Although the patient may feel cold, it is important to remove anything that causes the person to retain the heat within the body.

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