How Do Freckles On Legs Look Like? Causes & Treatment Options

Freckles are tiny, flat, tanned spots which are usually multiple and develop on sun-exposed skin after you’ve been exposed to sunlight repeatedly. These are fairly common in people having a fair complexion.

Freckles may be tan, yellow, light brown, brown, or black; they are a little darker than the surrounding skin. They become darker and more obvious after sun exposure and tend to lighten during the winter months.

Freckles develop because of an increase in the quantity of melanin.

There are 2 types of freckles; simple freckles and sunburn freckles. Simple freckles are tiny, round, tan, yellow or brown colored. Sunburn freckles are bigger, darker, and have irregular jagged borders.

What Are The Causes Of Freckles On Legs?

Freckles develop as a consequence to a combination of sun exposure along with a genetic tendency. After you have been exposed to the sun’s UV rays, the outer layer of the skin thickens and the pigment producing cells synthesize melanin at a very rapid rate.

  • People with blond hair, light-colored eyes, and fair skin are particularly vulnerable to the injurious effect of UV rays. Those individuals having a dark skin are not totally resistant to the effects of the sun, and they, too, get sunburned with prolonged exposure.
  • Freckles develop due to an irregular allocation of the melanin pigment in the skin. Freckles are an abnormally heavy deposit of melanin at one spot in your skin.
  • Heredity and your skin type are vital factors for the development of freckles. Freckles are known to be inherited genetically and are commonest in people who have fair skin and/or have blond or red hair.

Treatment Options To Get Rid Of Freckles On Legs

The following guidelines help deal with freckles effectively:

  • Make sure that you use sun-block having SPF 50.
  • Use sun-protective clothing and a wide brimmed hat.
  • Avoid peak sun hours of 12 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Lime is a natural home remedy which acts a bleaching / fading agent that helps lighten freckles. Rub lime juice all over the exposed area after sun exposure.
  • Those who have freckle hereditary tendencies must start sun protection early in childhood. Much of the sun damage occurs whilst you are under 18 years.
  • Furthermore, include loads of vitamin A and C rich foods; these supply your skin with powerful free radical absorbers which keep your skin looking healthy.
  • There are a host of safe methods to lighten the appearance of freckles. Confer with your dermatologist to understand what is optimal for you; usually, a combination of treatments is needed for successful results.
  • Fading creams are known to be really effective; products that contain hydroquinone and kojic acid are often used. These lighten freckles when used over and over again for 2 to 3 months.
  • Retinoids are also effectual remedies to help lighten freckles when applied consistently.
  • Cryosurgery: A light freeze with liquid nitrogen is also employed to treat some types of freckles.
  • Laser treatment: Decrease the appearance of freckles safely and effectively. It is a fairly simple and safe procedure with a high success rate.
  • Photo-facials: It makes use of an intense light source to diminish the ugly appearance of freckles.
  • Some dermatologists also recommend chemical peels to successfully lighten freckles and improve irregular pigmentation.