Identifying Symptoms for Treatment of Headache and Backache

Headache and Backache


  • Headache is the pain that occurs in the head, above eyes or in temporal area extending to the back of the neck.

  • Like backache or chest pain, it has many known causes. Common forms of primary headaches include tension headache, migraine and cluster headaches.

  • The most common among the three is migraine.

    It may occur to any individual regardless of sex and age but records show that it is more common in women. After puberty, majority of females are more affected with this condition than males. Migraine is often misdiagnosed as sinus tension.

  • Tension headache is the most frequently occurring type of headache. The etiologies are unknown, most likely when the muscle covering the skull contracts also known as spasm, and pain occurs in the head. The common sites where muscle in the head contracts are the trapezius muscles, the temporal and the jaw and forehead.


  • Back pain is originally felt from the back that comes from the muscle, nerves, bones, joints and other structure at the spine.

  • Usually back pain results from poor body posture or a sudden unnecessary movement that affects the back area.

What are the Symptoms of Backache and Headache

Pain usually begins at the back of the head that radiates to the upper neck and tightness or pressure of the muscle, pressure encircling the upper head with the most intense sudden pressure that travels through the eyebrows. It is also associated with an aura on the eyes which includes nausea and vomiting or sensitive to the light and sound.

Pain maybe present anytime of the day or sometimes to other people it may occur daily and pain does not have any pattern.


  • Keep a healthy sleeping pattern, try to sleep 8 hours a day, and try to maintain the normal sleeping hours.

  • Eliminate unnecessary stress. Try to avoid stressful environment and try to relax the mind during moments of anxiety.

  • Try to practice normal breathing pattern.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and always do exercise even the simple ones.

  • Avoid any vices especially smoking or drinking because it is the most common cause of stress. Additionally avoiding vices like these can lessen any heart ailments.

  • Avoid too much caffeine and sodas.

  • To alleviate pain, have a good bed rest.

  • To relieve pain, try heat compress.

  • Apply ice as soon as possible during the first 48 hours after the pain occurs.

  • For muscle spasms, cold compress is effective.

  • Posture training or range of motions exercises might be helpful.

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