How do you get Pinworms and Home Remedies to Treat Them

Detecting pinworms inside the body is important so that the patient can receive proper care and medical attention. These minute-sized white worms can be dangerous for young children. Pinworms are also very contagious, thus the need to control the spread of infection with quick home remedies.

Home Remedies for Pinworms

Pinworms can be treated through simple remedies done at home, using items that can be found in one’s kitchen.

  • Garlic has potent components that can eliminate pinworms in the body. Combine crushed garlic with a small portion of petroleum jelly, then apply this on the anal region to stop the itchiness and disintegrate the eggs. As a preventive measure, consume 2-3 small cloves everyday.
  • Coconut provides another form of remedy. Eat a tablespoon of slices of coconut meat, followed by castor oil three hours later. Virgin coconut oil can be consumed as a food supplement as well due to its therapeutic benefits.
  • Eating grated carrots, in the morning every week, is also followed by some people as a treatment for pinworms.
  • Other forms of remedy include eating papaya and pineapple. A mixture of grapefruit seed extract and water can be taken 2-3 times a day for 3 to 7 days as treatment.
  • To relieve the itchiness, bathe with warm water mixed with Epsom salts, once a week.

Symptoms of Pinworms

People suffering from pinworm infestation may show the following signs:

  • Intense itching around the region of the genital area.
  • Red and irritated skin can also be seen around thisl region.
  • Some patients develop other symptoms such as irritability, loss of appetite, insomnia and restlessness.

How Do You Get Pinworms?

  • School-aged children are more likely to contract pinworm infection, than adults.
  • It is the most common infection in the country. Around the world, countries with temperate climate have widespread cases of pinworms.
  • Pinworms are often spread from person to person, though oftentimes without visible warning.
  • Microscopic eggs can contaminate household objects, left by an infected person. These items can include:
    1. Towels, bed linens, clothing especially underwear
    2. Food, dining utensils, kitchen counters
    3. Bathroom fixtures
    4. Toys, school desks
  • Children can spread the infection quickly through scratching the itchy part of the anus, storing the eggs in their fingernails. The eggs get transferred through contact with other children or adults.
  • The eggs can be transported into the digestive system and hatch within the small intestines. The larvae stick to the large intestines, living as parasites attached to the bowel.
  • After about 2 months, the female pinworms lay their new eggs around the rectum area, where the itching sensation occurs most.
  • Pinworm infection does not occur among animals, only in humans.

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