Treatment For Roseola In Adults: Symptoms And Complications

Roseola is a highly infectious disease which generally affects children between the ages of 6 months to 2 years. It manifests as a high fever for a week, succeeded by a pink rash. Adults develop roseola if they were not exposed to the virus as a child.

Although the infection is fairly uncommon, adults can contract roseola, more so, if they never had it as a child.

The infection is normally milder in adults; however, they can pass on the infection to children.

Roseola Symptoms In Adults

The chief symptom of roseola is a sudden, high fever followed by a pink skin rash. The fever lasts for a week. The rash comes on after the fever fades, typically within 12 – 24 hours.

The rash is pink and may be flat or raised. The rash commences on the belly and spreads to the arms, face and legs. This rash signifies that the virus is at the end of its course.

Other symptoms include:

  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Pain in the ear
  • Reduced appetite
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen glands
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritability
  • Rarely, seizures, with high fever

Complications Of Roseola In Adults

Roseola occurs due to the human herpes virus (HHV) 6 and 7.

Roseola spreads through tiny droplets of fluid, when an infected individual sneezes, coughs, or talks. The condition is highly infectious; outbreaks can occur at any time of the year.

Roseola can cause complications in people whose immune mechanisms are compromised, such as – those who have received a bone marrow or organ transplant recently. It may be a new case of roseola or could be a prior infection which may have come back while the immune system is destabilized.

Given that, an immune-compromised individual is susceptible to viruses in general, they tend to develop more-severe cases of infection and find it tougher to battle the infection. With an attenuated immune mechanism you may experience potentially serious complications, such as pneumonia or encephalitis.

Natural Treatment For Roseola In Adults

Roseola typically goes away on its own. There isn’t any definite treatment regimen required.

  • You need to take medications to lower the fever and decrease the pain; confer with your health care provider.
  • Make sure that you are well hydrated; drink a lot of extra fluids, to stave off dehydration – water, juices, soups, broths and herbal teas.
  • Those adults, who have a weakened immune system, may need an oral antiviral drug to treat roseola; discuss with your physician and understand what is best for you.
  • Wear cool, comfortable clothing, have a sponge bath, and have cool treats such as frozen yogurt, ice creams and popsicles.
  • You can return to normal activities once the fever abates, and when the other symptoms start subsiding.
  • Roseola is decidedly communicable during the fever phase, but not during the rash phase.
  • Recovery is speedier if you take ample rest and stay well hydrated.
  • Also, take vitamin C supplements; vitamin C boosts the immune system working and helps you deal with the virus better and faster. Talk to your doctor, and have up to 1000mg vitamin C per day. you could also consume a lot of limes, oranges, and guavas.