Symptoms Of Having Nervous Breakdown: How To Recover From It?

A nervous breakdown is described as an exceedingly stressful situation wherein an individual becomes momentarily incapable of functioning normally in day-to-day life. It occurs when life’s demands become emotionally and physically too overpowering and overwhelming.

Nervous breakdown is not a medical terminology, and is not a sign of a specific mental disorder.

It could only be a transient phase in response to a major stressor. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that nervous breakdown is a normal response to stress.

A nervous breakdown may be indicative of an underlying mental health problem that needs prompt attention, such as anxiety, phobia, or depression. It calls for immediate and speedy management.

Signs And Symptoms Of A Nervous Breakdown

Manifestations of a nervous breakdown differ from individual to individual and depend upon the underlying causative factors. Commonly seen symptoms include:

  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Forgetfulness
  • Gloomy, depressed
  • Episodes of shouting
  • Avoids social engagements
  • Calls in sick to work frequently.
  • Having trouble with eating, sleeping and hygiene.

Causes: The chief cause of a nervous breakdown is excessive stress.

It is triggered as a consequence to an imbalance of the neurotransmitters, in the brain.

How To Treat A Nervous Breakdown Naturally?

Treatment for nervous breakdown comprises of a multi-disciplinary approach – a spectrum of stress busting techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling one’s stress level. In some cases, medications may be necessary to successfully deal with your stress. Stress is an inevitable aspect of life, but needs to be effectively dealt with.

  • You need to understand that you cannot control everything around you; however, if you successfully manage your relationships and jobs, you will be better able to cope with stress.
  • Have a sense of purpose to your life. Waking up every morning with a good reason to do something constructive is vital to stress management.
  • Humor and laughter help. Laughing sets off chemical changes in your body which help raise your sense of well-being.
  • Make sure you exercise regularly; at least 2 to 3 times a week. Walking, Yoga, Aerobics, and Swimming can do a lot for your body and mind.
  • Try to alter the self-talk in your head. We tend to have unspoken conversations with ourselves, and they have a huge power over our levels of stress. Negative thoughts are definitely not helpful. In fact they are counter-productive. Try to fight them; slowly and steadily. Optimistic self-talks inspire and motivate you.
  • Eat well. Ensure that you consume a well balanced wholesome diet daily. Steer clear of sugars, fried foods, coffee and alcohol. Incorporate spinach, almonds, walnuts, dates, egg whites and fresh fruits in your everyday menu. They boost your mood tremendously.
  • Take time out to relax. You need some down-time. Spend half an hour daily doing something which relaxes and soothes you. Schedule time in planner; it is just as important to your well-being as any other appointment. Opt for – drawing, painting, gardening, photography, listening to or making music or pottery.
  • Take control of your finances. An unstable financial situation produces a lot of stress, so you need to get your financial house in order. Confer with a financial advisor.
  • Practice Pranayama; it proffers excellent benefits. Breathe deeply and slowly. Slow and steady abdominal breaths help battle a tumultuous situation and also help you think clearly.