Treatment For Disc Desiccation: What Are Its Causes And Symptoms?

Disc desiccation is a degenerative condition of the lumbar spine which is associated with comprised disc space which in turn is associated with symptoms like lower back pain. In some cases the causes can be attributed to direct or indirect trauma to the spine, but is often associated with general wear and tear of the disc while in others it may be linked with genetic factors.

This article provides basic treatment for disc desiccation and provides host of home remedies that can help in alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition. However, in severe and progressive conditions, surgical intervention is inevitable.

Disc Desiccation is considered to be a degenerative disorder which affects the lumbar spine. While this condition is linked with degeneration, it affects one third of all people between the age group of 30 to 50 years. While pain is the most common symptom associated with disc desiccation, there are a host of other symptoms that can lead to the condition.

Disc desiccation may not be easily visible on an X-ray scan and would require an MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis for the condition.

What Causes Disc Desiccation?

While most cases of disc desiccation can be traced back to an episode of direct or indirect trauma to the spine.

Inevitably there is a history of a fall or a back injury which may have precipitated the problem. Indirect injury may include injury caused due to swinging a golf club or lifting heaving weights.

However in about 50% of the cases, disc desiccation is associated with age related wear and tear of the tissue. Some experts suggest that some form of genetic predisposition may also be observed. However some of the other risk factors include wrong posture especially among individuals with a desk bound job or faulty dietary practices, which may result in deficiency and rapid degeneration of skeletal system.

Symptoms Of Disc Desiccation

While nagging and low grade pain is the most common symptom associated with disc desiccation, some of the other symptoms associated with the condition include the following,

  • Pain is located around the lower back region and may radiate down to the hips or the thighs.
  • The pain is worse when sitting, primarily due to extra pressure on the disc in comparison to when a person is standing or walking.
  • Certain movements like moving forward, bending or twisting can aggravate some of the symptoms.

The symptoms of back pain are primarily attributed to inflammation of the surrounding nerve tissue along with instability of the outer rings of the disc which fail to absorb stress especially during motion.

Disc Desiccation Treatment

While surgical treatment may be required in serious cases, mild to moderate disc desiccation can be handled using conservative treatment measures in congruence with alternate therapies.

Homeopathic drug like Bryonia and Rhus Tox are very useful in alleviating the pain associated with this condition. These drugs need to be consumed in low potency and should be repeated four times a day.

Chiropractic techniques may also be useful in the management of lower back pain associated with disc desiccation.

2 thoughts on “Treatment For Disc Desiccation: What Are Its Causes And Symptoms?

  • November 10, 2013 at 3:18 pm

    I am 29 years old and I’ve been having problem with my tailbone. I just had an MRI after 3 years of dealing with the pain. The results show that I have a partial angular fracture in the coccyx, as well as disc desiccation with mild loss of L5 S1 space.

    • November 12, 2013 at 11:49 am

      Primarily you have to consult an orthopedic surgeon who will be able to examine you and suggest the remedial measures. However, certain tips may help to reduce pain.
      • Avoid sitting on hard surface.
      • Use doughnut shaped pillow while sitting.
      • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
      • Avoid constipation.
      • Eat bananas, pineapple, etc as they have minerals that may help to reduce inflammation.
      • Drink milk two times in a day to make the bones strong.
      • Warm water fomentation may help to reduce pain.
      Your doctor will prescribe anti inflammatory analgesic to reduce pain.


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