How to Relief Pain of Pulled Hamstring and Its Proper Care

Pulled Hamstring

Hamstring muscles allow bending of the knee and enable backward movement of the thighs toward the hip. Commonly, injuries occur in athletes who do sprints and hurdle jumps. Strains like these often occur to football and rugby players due to the nature of their sports.

To be able to prevent a hamstring injury, a person must warm-up prior to playing any game or performing activities which can strain the muscle.

The warm-up should consist of performing light aerobic exercises followed by some stretching. During sprints, the hamstring muscles work very hard to protect the shin bone and prevent it from completely swinging out. Just before the foot hits the ground, the fibers of the hamstring become worn out as muscles are activated at maximum level.

Pulled Hamstring Care

An individual who has suffered from a mildly pulled hamstring should be given proper care before the injury worsens. Neglecting the injury can cause permanent damage to the affected area. Individuals who suffer from this kind of injury must apply cold compress therapy. This involves placement of an ice pack while resting and elevating the injured area.

A patient with an injured hamstring should rest to prevent further straining and stretching. These strategies are highly effective and are guaranteed to heal the injury immediately. However, healing can also vary depending on the severity of the pulled hamstring injury. As such, rest, cold compress, and elevation therapies may be recommended for longer periods of time.

Pulled Hamstring Relief Treatment

Individuals who have suffered this injury can barely walk due to the pain felt with every step. Injuries are typically classified according to its severity. Before treatment can be administered, it is important to determine the grade of the injury. These classifications are also accompanied by specific pain levels. Grades 1, 2, and 3 determine the following:

  • The extent of the injury.
  • Proper care and immediate treatment to be used.

Pulled hamstring treatment should be administered within 48 hours of the injury. This is the most crucial phase of healing. Since a pulled hamstring can be extremely painful, individuals can perform the following:

  • Sports massage. This is a good way to speed-up recovery for a person suffering from a pulled hamstring.
  • Early mobilization of the lower limb that has been injured can be done to correct the rehabilitation of the dislocated muscle.
  • Proper use of crutches can also relieve pain from walking.
  • Cold therapy can be administered to relieve the pain.

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