Shingles During Pregnancy: Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

In case you have had chickenpox, you may have to deal with the extremely infectious varicella-zoster virus. Approximately 1 in 5 people suffer from shingles, a painful, blistering condition occurring due to the virus. Diagnosing shingles during pregnancy can be particularly worrisome.

Shingles is a very painful medical condition. Anything brushing against the inflamed nerve on the skin is highly agonizing.

Even after the rash has disappeared, post herpetic neuralgia tends to continue, at times for several years.

Herpes or shingles occurs rarely during pregnancy; and even if it does strike, there is no need to panic; the condition is treatable and easily manageable. Nevertheless, before taking any medication, it is essential that you confer with your doctor. Pregnant women must never take NSAIDs non steroid anti inflammatory drugs late in their pregnancy.

Causes And Symptoms Of Shingles During Pregnancy

After chickenpox, typically occurring in childhood, the V-Z virus may remain in the body, lying latent in the nerve cells. The defense and immune system keeps the virus in check, however, if the immune system gets compromised, the virus returns with a vengeance.

The preliminary manifestations of the condition are burning or shooting pain, itching and tingling, commonly on one side of the body. Accompanying features include – fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and difficulty whilst urinating. Pain is followed by rash, which commences as red bumps, usually on the trunk. In a few days, the bumps turn in to fluid-filled blisters, which develop a crust over and fall off in 10 days.

After the rash has gone away, the color of the skin at the site of the shingles rash may be different. What’s more, the nerve pain may continue at the site of the rash. Nonetheless, normally, the pain vanishes in 4 months from the first appearance of the rash.

Treatment For Shingles In Pregnancy

Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment regimen are of utmost importance, more so, since the condition has developed during pregnancy. Your health care provider will recommend:

  • Treatments to decrease the intensity of shingles and cut down the threat of post herpetic neuralgia. Your doctor will prescribe anti viral drugs. You ought to start medication within a few days of shingles outbreak for optimal results. It is also vital that you take the medicines exactly as directed by him. When taken as directed, these medications are quite safe during pregnancy.
  • Additionally, it is a very good idea to start homeopathy medicines. Homeopathy is decidedly safe and highly effective for shingles. Homeopathy drugs will help allay pain quickly and appreciably; it will also reduce the risk of developing post herpetic neuralgia. These medicines will manage fever, diarrhea and vomiting effectually as well. What’s more homeopathy is extremely safe for the developing fetus.
  • Aroma oils provide extreme relief as well. Tea tree essential oil is very effective; it is the most medicinal aroma oil. It can be applied over the blister to promote quick healing and preventing secondary infection. Add 2 drops of tea tree and 2 drops of lavender essential oils to your bath; they will provide immense relief from the pain and itching.
  • Use cold compresses and cool baths to ease blisters and the pain.
  • Make sure that you wear only loose clothing.
  • Use clean gauze over the affected area to accelerate the process of healing of blisters and put off infection.
  • Anti histamines may be prescribed as well; it allays itching significantly.
  • Oat meal baths and calamine lotion also help decrease itching.

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