Dandelion Tea For Weight Loss: Health Benefits Of Dandelion

Dandelion has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries now, and across varied cultures, as early as 900 A.D. The leaves and roots of the dandelion plant are dried and used to make tea. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the dandelion provides you with greater amounts of beta-carotene than carrots per serving.

Dandelion is a wonderful herb and helps allay symptoms of various ailments – bloating, diabetes and liver dysfunction. Furthermore, experts state that dandelion helps lose fat effectively and attain optimal body weight. Dandelion is being touted as the new “super food” which is proffering several significant health benefits.

How Does Dandelion Tea Help To Lose Weight?

One of the reasons why dandelion tea is sometimes advocated for weight loss is because it has a diuretic effect and helps reduce bloating and body fluid. On the other hand, it is vital for you to remember that losing water is beneficial if your body is retaining water due to some underlying disorder, but it is rather unsafe if you drink too much of dandelion tea. The problem with using diuretics for weight loss is that they bring about loss of only water weight, not fat, and once you are properly hydrated again, all the weight comes back.

Dandelion tea helps lose weight by increasing endurance levels as well. Research shows that dandelion tea it makes it easier for you to exercise for longer intervals of time and helps successfully burn the calories for weight loss.

However, it is recommended that you confer with your health care provider / fitness instructor before you embark up on a dandelion tea weight loss regime.

Health Benefits Of Dandelion Roots And Leaves

Dandelion proffers several important health benefits; here’s a list of the health advantages:

  • The compounds in the dandelion root perk up digestion, increase the flow of bile and act as mild laxatives thus sluicing the bowels clean and encouraging GI health. It helps balance the natural, beneficial bacteria in the intestines and can increase the release of stomach acid and bile to pep up digestion, particularly of fats.
  • Experts say that host of disease conditions related to the liver and gall bladder are effectively treated with dandelion root, but it must be prescribed by someone having complete expertise.
  • The leaf is used to treat disorders of the kidneys; its predominant function is as a diuretic. But, unlike prescription drugs, dandelion is high in potassium so it helps re-instate lost electrolytes quickly. In high doses, the effect of dandelion is akin to that of prescription diuretics. Furthermore, it also helps decrease the occurrence of urinary tract infections in women.
  • Every part of the dandelion plant is loaded with powerful antioxidants which help stave off free radical damage to the DNA, thus slowing down the process of aging in our cells. Dandelion is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Being a potent diuretic, dandelion increases urination and helps lower blood pressure. The potassium and fibre in dandelion too help monitor blood pressure.
  • What’s more, dandelion controls cholesterol levels as well and hence keeps the heart functioning normally.
  • Clinical trials also state that the extract of dandelion root helped stop an attack of non invasive breast cancer cells. On the other hand, it did not decrease the growth of these cells. This gives us an indication that dandelion root may be valuable in checking metastasis of breast cancer cells.