In case you are trying to lose unwanted weight, you may be following a diet and exercise routine and may be having a host of calorie-slashing tips and guidelines.
It comes as a rude shock as well as causes some amount of frustration when even after you adhere to all the strict rules and dietary plans, you still seem to lose no weight.
- You may be hoarding calories: You may be consuming the number of calories per day as prescribed to you; however, if you have them all at one go in one super sized meal, it is counter-productive.
- Erratic eating pattern: Make sure that you follow a regular eating routine; have 5 to 6 small portion sized meals through the day.
- You do not count calories: Some people don’t count the calories in nutrient-dense foods such as nuts, fish and yogurt. Just because a food is nutritious, it doesn’t mean that you can consume large-portion sizes.
- Following a crash diet: Most people feel that by drastically cutting down on calories, you will achieve weight loss; contrarily, this could back-fire.
- You may be stocking up on low fat: Experts say that when you are told a specific food is low fat and has little calories, you tend to consume it in greater quantities and this could have a an adverse influence.
- Hormone trouble: It is essential that you get your hormone profile done, in order to ascertain if you have any kind of hormone imbalances – diabetes, PCOS or hypothyroidism; all these make weight loss difficult.
- Exercise: You may not be exercising correctly and / or adequately; this makes shedding unwanted and unsightly pounds rather difficult.
How Can I Stop Gaining Weight?
- Do not overeat at night: Make sure that you consume a light diner always. When you overeat at night, you don’t feel hungry in the morning and tend to skip breakfast and stay hungry till lunchtime. Balance your meals well.
- Figure out how many times a day you need to eat: Ideally, all experts recommend 4 to 6 small meals through the day to keep you fueled up.
- Food diary: In case you have been struggling to lose weight since years, it would be highly prudent to maintain a diary and pen down all that you eat through the day and the quantity as well as the time. You can then discuss with your nutritionist.
- Count all calories: Keep track of all the foods that you consuming, with regard to calories, even the nutrient dense foods.
- Plan your diet regimen: For example, to shed a pound per week, you need to slice off 250 calories from the diet and burn 250 calories via exercise every day.
- Talk to your health care provider: Carry out tests that give you a hormone profile; promptly start treatment if the hormones are haywire.
- Exercise plays a pivotal role: Exercising correctly and regularly is a very vital aspect of your weight loss program.